Our Job Opening
家庭司機 Company Driver
- 負責接載公司高級行政人員及家屬和完成給予安排的日常事務
- 負責保持每日車輛內外的清潔、 安排維修保養及跟進牌照續期等事宜
- 上班時間為星期一至星期六,每日上班10小時
- 按工作需要配合調動上下班時間,有可能在週日及假期輪班工作
- 沙田區取車還車
- 持有有效私家車駕駛執照 (1,2號牌)
- 同時持有有效中港私家車駕駛執照者,可獲優先考慮
- 五年以上職業家庭司機經驗
- 熟悉汽油及電動私家車駕駛及操作
- 熟悉香港道路及交通
- 良好廣東話語言溝通能力,簡單英語及國語
- 有禮貌有耐性,守時,有責任心
- 面試通過後,需對過往工作需進行reference check及提供[要求發給無欠繳罰款或訴訟費記錄及無違例記錄證明書之申請書],俗稱“起底紙”
- 可即時上班者優先
- 加班津貼
- 良好的薪酬待遇
- 完善的醫療及牙科保險
- 年終花紅 及 有薪年假
Who we are
Founded in 1997, Konew Financial Express Limited, a principal member of Konew FinTech Group, is a leading company in mortgage loan and property Finance industry. With more than 200 employees in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China branches, we offer professional one-stop mortgage service and innovative solutions to satisfy our customer’s financial needs. We are committed to maintaining the first-class service and high standard of excellence. At its foundation are three core values — embrace courtesy, driving change and building capabilities, enabling us to achieve strategic ambition and drive sustainable business growth.
Join us now and be part of our exciting journey
At Konew, we foster a culture of innovation, continuous improvement and collaboration. We strive to develop our talent and support life-long learning to fulfil their personal growth and career aspirations. We offer resources, competitive salary package and good benefit to our employees to keep them engaged at work. We are also committed to creating a positive working environment which value a healthy work-life balance.
To cope with our rapid expansion, we are currently looking for high caliber and passionate individuals to join our growing team.
家庭司機 Company Driver
Konew Fintech Corporation Limited
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Island
High School or equivalent
Entry level
Financial Services
"country": "Hong Kong",
"countryCode": "HK",
"city": "Cental",
"region": "Hong Kong Island",
"hidden": false
Description 工作職責:
- 負責接載公司高級行政人員及家屬和完成給予安排的日常事務
- 負責保持每日車輛內外的清潔、 安排維修保養及跟進牌照續期等事宜
- 上班時間為星期一至星期六,每日上班10小時
- 按工作需要配合調動上下班時間,有可能在週日及假期輪班工作
- 沙田區取車還車
- 持有有效私家車駕駛執照 (1,2號牌)
- 同時持有有效中港私家車駕駛執照者,可獲優先考慮
- 五年以上職業家庭司機經驗
- 熟悉汽油及電動私家車駕駛及操作
- 熟悉香港道路及交通
- 良好廣東話語言溝通能力,簡單英語及國語
- 有禮貌有耐性,守時,有責任心
- 面試通過後,需對過往工作需進行reference check及提供[要求發給無欠繳罰款或訴訟費記錄及無違例記錄證明書之申請書],俗稱“起底紙”
- 可即時上班者優先
- 加班津貼
- 良好的薪酬待遇
- 完善的醫療及牙科保險
- 年終花紅 及 有薪年假
Who we are
Founded in 1997, Konew Financial Express Limited, a principal member of Konew FinTech Group, is a leading company in mortgage loan and property Finance industry. With more than 200 employees in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China branches, we offer professional one-stop mortgage service and innovative solutions to satisfy our customer’s financial needs. We are committed to maintaining the first-class service and high standard of excellence. At its foundation are three core values — embrace courtesy, driving change and building capabilities, enabling us to achieve strategic ambition and drive sustainable business growth.
Join us now and be part of our exciting journey
At Konew, we foster a culture of innovation, continuous improvement and collaboration. We strive to develop our talent and support life-long learning to fulfil their personal growth and career aspirations. We offer resources, competitive salary package and good benefit to our employees to keep them engaged at work. We are also committed to creating a positive working environment which value a healthy work-life balance.
To cope with our rapid expansion, we are currently looking for high caliber and passionate individuals to join our growing team.